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About me


Hi, I'm Snowykami, come from Chongqing, China. I'm currently working in the backend development department of RedrockTeam, doing microservices and cloud-native related work. Also, I am a member of the management team of Liteyuki Studio and Snowyfirefly Studio, responsible for the planning of technical direction and the promotion of projects.


Commonly used languages

  • Python - Data Science, Backend Development
  • Go - Backend Development, Cloud Native, Microservices
  • C - Embedded Development
  • TypeScript - Frontend Development, Backend Development, a little bit of frontend requirements
  • Java - Development of Minecraft-related content

Some of my personal projects are on GitHub.

Some organization projects and personal projects are on Liteyuki Gitea.

If you want to know about the projects of Liteyuki Studio, you can visit Liteyuki Studio.


Click the menu in the upper right corner and select my contact information.

If you want to exchange friend links with me, please provide the following information

  • Website Name: Chinese/English
  • Website Description: Chinese/English
  • Website Link: https URL
  • Website Icon: https URL